Questions to Unlock the Business Philosopher In You
On Managing Change
August 22, 2023
In this episode, I present 4 questions for the business philosopher in you on managing change in your business or organization.
⚫ Questions to Ask Yourself and Others on Engaging Your Customers with Your Company's Business Philosophy ⚫

● How can you effectively manage change within your organization?
● How do you prepare your employees for change and help them navigate through it?
● How can you create a culture of adaptability and resilience within your organization?
● How do you balance the need for stability and consistency with the need for growth and innovation?

⚫ Build a Human Organization that Outlives You ⚫

Are you a business president, Business Owner, CEO, Organizational Executive or a Team Leader who manages creative talent, professional expertise and human experience that cannot be replicated by machines?

Would you like to build a self-sustaining, self-perpetuating, self-empowered  business organization or a work-team that outlives you?

Take this assessment to start creating your own executable business philosophy, management theory or a sales methodology that engages people as human beings.

⚫ Get In Touch ⚫

Hi, My name is Bhavesh Naik with and your host for this microcast.

I bring brainy businesses and brainy bosses frameworks, ideas, strategies and tools that help them create self-sustaining, self-perpetuating, scalable human organizations that outlive them.

Please visit my website to get in touch with me.